
Articles Posted in medical malpractice


Report: Nursing Homes Overmedicate People With Dementia

A study published recently by Human Rights Watch reveals roughly 180,000 nursing home residents are being given antipsychotic drugs, despite the fact they have not been diagnosed with conditions like schizophrenia, which the medications are specifically designed to treat.  In many instances, a strong case could be made for medical…


Pain Medication Error Results in Fatal Overdose of Nursing Home Resident

A new state report blames a nurse and a nursing home for a medication error that proved deadly to a 53-year-old short-term resident. The Star Tribune in Minnesota reports the patient received a dose of powerful pain medication that was 20 times too potent, resulting in his death.  After receiving…


Dentist Suspected of Medicaid Fraud Involving Nursing Home Patients

Medicaid fraud is a widespread problem within the health care industry in Florida and nationwide. The issue is especially pervasive when it comes to elderly, and nursing home patients in particular. The reason is because these individuals often lack the ability to discern or report what is happening to them.…

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